I need some advice ladies?!

Question: Ok I have two questions.

#1. I haven't had my period in almost 4 months now ( keep in mind my period has never been regular, I just don't think it has ever taken this long before) anyway so I was at the doctor the other day and all she said was she wasn't concerned because it has never been regular then she said to start taking birth control after I get my period again to regulate it. I then told her if I haven't gotten in the next couple months I was going to make another appointment and she looked at me like I was crazy. I could have cervical cancer a cyst on my overy or maybe even an std and she didn't even check me out. Does that sound right to you?!

By the way NO there is NO possible way I could be pregnant. I haven't had sex in over a year so it isn't even a possibility.

#2. No matter what I eat I have Diarrhea daily! Anyone have any ideas what is causing this? Could there be something wrong with me? Anyone else experience this also?!

Thanks for the advice :)

Answers: Ok I have two questions.

#1. I haven't had my period in almost 4 months now ( keep in mind my period has never been regular, I just don't think it has ever taken this long before) anyway so I was at the doctor the other day and all she said was she wasn't concerned because it has never been regular then she said to start taking birth control after I get my period again to regulate it. I then told her if I haven't gotten in the next couple months I was going to make another appointment and she looked at me like I was crazy. I could have cervical cancer a cyst on my overy or maybe even an std and she didn't even check me out. Does that sound right to you?!

By the way NO there is NO possible way I could be pregnant. I haven't had sex in over a year so it isn't even a possibility.

#2. No matter what I eat I have Diarrhea daily! Anyone have any ideas what is causing this? Could there be something wrong with me? Anyone else experience this also?!

Thanks for the advice :)

1. Go with your instincts on this! A doctor should never just blow off your concerns. At the least, she could've done a blood test to test hormone levels etc. You don't want to mess with your fertility. I think you should take this as an opportunity to find a new doctor. One that will listen to you. Anything could be causing this.

2. I tend to get a lot of diarrhea (never thought I'd say that online to a stranger) when I eat too much dairy. I wonder if you could have some degree of lactose intolerance.

3. I think most women do have regular periods by 18 but I think some never do.

I'm not a doctor so please, please find a new one and bring all of your questions. Good luck.

I think you should change doctors and get a second opinon! This is not normail!

i would find a different doctor she should have checked you out and you could also go to the er for the secound question. you may a virus. found a different doctor and ask them what you shoudl do but i would get a secound opion something is not right. good luck and dont stress out bout it .

you could have an std

seriously see another doctor souds dangerous

I still don't have a regular period (I'm 20). I have gone 7 months with out a period. Name stress and eating right. My doctor told me to start taking a pro-biotic plus exercise. It makes them a little more regular. Within 2 months or so.

#1 My sister and aunt are like this. They NEVER know when they will get there period. It could be regular but I would go to a second Doctor.

#2 See your doctor that is not normal.

#3 Some peoples periods NEVER get normal.

Are you stressed out? School, work, friends, boyfriend, family? Stress can cause your period to stall, and that might be why she didn't test you. (stress affects your hormones.) If that's the only symptom you have (no pain, fever, etc.) then it sounds about right that she didn't test you. Unfortunately, docs don't want to waste their time if they know that's why your period has stalled. It's one of the most common reasons women are irregular.

If you're stressing out, it can cause diarrhea as well, caused usually by nerves. You may have irratable bowel syndrome, very common amongst teens, especially older ones because of the stress from that time in your life, college starting, school ending, relationships are uneasy, family is... family. ;) Friends are crazy... etc. etc.. I went thru the exact same thing at your age, and eventually irons itself out. Try eating more fiber in your diet, even taking a supplement. That's what my dr told me to do, and it really helped. (She said fiber works both ways. It can be a laxative, and also a stool 'stiffener'.. :) )

If you're not happy with your doctor, you should tell them. If they don't fix your concerns or at least help you figure out what is going on, then i'd switch. These are common problems, and they have very common answers and cures. Yes, your dr was right, birth control would be the best thing for you (As long as you are otherwise healthy) to regulate your periods. ;)

Good luck, and try to calm your life down a bit, and see if that might help. :)

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