Problem down there...?!

Question: So I think I have genital herpes. I made an appointment for tomorrow with the std clinic so I'm ready to do damage control but I have this problem. I've been dating my guy for a year, no problems whatsoever, so why now? Will he think I cheated on him, which I definetly did not. Will he break up with me? Think I'm a gross sllut? He's had more sex partners than me and he'/s a little bit older, I've only had 2. I haven't told him yet, but I will of course.

So I sent had a text conversation about it.

me: "Hey we should get tested for stds soon. just in case"
him: "Lol, okay sure. How come?"
me: "saw somethin on tv about it, hehe"
him: "k cool, what do you think is the grossest std"
me: "idk, probably chlaymidia or somethin. you?"
him: "i think genital warts is the grossest"

Well, im a little worried... he mentioned to me that he's perfectly clean but my past boyfriends were a long time ago, had no stds, and we used protection. Could my current boyfriend be the one that gave it to me?

Answers: So I think I have genital herpes. I made an appointment for tomorrow with the std clinic so I'm ready to do damage control but I have this problem. I've been dating my guy for a year, no problems whatsoever, so why now? Will he think I cheated on him, which I definetly did not. Will he break up with me? Think I'm a gross sllut? He's had more sex partners than me and he'/s a little bit older, I've only had 2. I haven't told him yet, but I will of course.

So I sent had a text conversation about it.

me: "Hey we should get tested for stds soon. just in case"
him: "Lol, okay sure. How come?"
me: "saw somethin on tv about it, hehe"
him: "k cool, what do you think is the grossest std"
me: "idk, probably chlaymidia or somethin. you?"
him: "i think genital warts is the grossest"

Well, im a little worried... he mentioned to me that he's perfectly clean but my past boyfriends were a long time ago, had no stds, and we used protection. Could my current boyfriend be the one that gave it to me?

Of course he could. Why are you so busy worrying about what he will think when you were most likely clean before him. He's the one carrying something around with him and he gave it to you. You are the one who should have an attitude, not him. If you test positive, hold up your head and get over him! He's not good enough for you anyway if he gave you something.

possibly if he shows up positive

One or other of you has been cheating if it's not you its him. You must insist on him coming to the clinic with you and being tested. Once you have herpes you have it for life so for your sake I hope it's not!!!

Either partner could have given it to you. Either guy could be symptom free and still give it to you.

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