Grrr! What the heck?!

Question: Ever since I've had my first period at 13, they've been completely regular. Like I can set my watch to them! even after having 2 kids, it went back to normal. I'm 27 now, so thats 14 years of normal, regular periods.

And today ... BOOM, I get my period 2 weeks early!!! just out of nowhere!

Why did that happen =( ..... ?

Answers: Ever since I've had my first period at 13, they've been completely regular. Like I can set my watch to them! even after having 2 kids, it went back to normal. I'm 27 now, so thats 14 years of normal, regular periods.

And today ... BOOM, I get my period 2 weeks early!!! just out of nowhere!

Why did that happen =( ..... ?

There could be several reasons. A lot of times after a pregnancy you are left with a different cycle. I wonder, was your last period a normal period? Was it lighter than normal, lasted less days, anything unusual about? Because could be that it was something more like spotting and this one is the real period coming late. But..... stress can do this, it's possible you had a miscarriage. You say you haven't lost/gained weight so that's not it. This really isn't something to worry about as this happens to almost everyone (I know, I know, it's not normal for you) -Unless - it happens again. If your cycle goes back to regular after this I would just brush it off and consider it stress. If however, your cycle continues to be irregular then it needs to be mentioned to your doctor as there are a multitude of things (pretty much all hormonal, all relatively common, and fairly easily treatable) that could be causing this. I know it's really strange to be clockwork and then have an off one, but it really isn't anything to worry about. It's so common.

umm cause ur cycle happens or ur expecting

idk maybe you should tlak to a doctor

Something obviously. Ask the doctor

it just does sometimes.

maybe you had a very early miscarriage.

periods switch up a little after pregnancies, but you should see the doctors

Women's periods change all the time. Yours just's about time! lol
Also, if your living with another woman who has her period and your around her a lot, it can cause your period to switch to around the same time as hers. No joke.

Mother Nature is a mad scientist...

u should talk to the doc.

It doesn't matter if it's been the same since you were 13 it can change and it's normal to be early or late sometimes.

I'm not sure but I would go see you gynecologist to make sure everything is okay. There are many conditions that cause bleeding. Please get checked.

Pregnant? Maybe overly stressed? Anything in your routine changed like excercise, eating habits, sleeping habits, job changes?

probably from farting too much.

have you taken any new medication or drugs? maybe drank too much alcohol? think of what u have done differently that could off-set it

stress is a big factor of screwing your body. Happened to me all the time.

this is quite unusual... but a couple of causes for weird changes in your cycle includes:
Changes in your eating habits
Weight loss

It could happen by stress or by lack of nutrition.
Have you lost weight? Are you on a diet?
Maybe you've been stressed out by work?
It could be that your pregnant.

Stress, a change of diet, loss or gain of weight can affect your period.

could be stress if you are under irregular stress your body tends to show you in different ways sometimes it will even cause you to miss a period probably nothing to worry about but if it still bothers you check with your obgyn

your body isn't the same after you have children

Hormones. Just wait till you are older and the hormones really go nuts as you get toward premenopause. Then you will go from frequent to not at all and back again.

You could ask your doctor, but it could be insufficient amounts of calories of compulsive exercize. I am assuming that you aren't any of those, so just go ask your doctor.

It's ok sweety that happens:)

Either you are stressed and you don't know it or something is messing with your hormones.
I had the same problem. I started when I was 13, had them every month on time for 4 days and then when I was 22 I had twins and everything went back to normal again and now Im 24 and just recently I was scared becasue one month I was early and just had a few drops for 3 days, freaked out I was pregant again then a month later, It was heavy and lasted 8 days.
I went to my doctor to make sure everything was okay and they said "Even though you might not feel or think you are stressed, your body might be. Your periods change alot when you get older and after having children"
Hope this makes you feel better.

how old are you kids? If you are breastfeeding that can throw things out of wack, mostly it delays though. Its possible that you had a very short anovolutory cycle. It's also possible that this isn't your period, that it's implantational bleeding from a pregnancy. If it last your normal legnth and is not lighter then normal then I would guess you're not PG. but if it's short and light, you very well could be.

The body changes as you get older. I was the same way I could set my watch by my cycle but as I get older my cycle now seems to have a range in which it will appear. My normal range was from 24-28 days and now it has widened and the range is 24-35 days and my gyno says that is still normal. Unless something else changes or you experience extreme pain I would say that you are still within range.

ok i have a girl friends and 10 cuzins and some time the the dont get out of control can some times its gos erlyer so its some what normal but just in case go check it ok i wish u luck!!!

Sometimes when a person is worrying about something,,they can not come...some people will get them earlier,,,,and also we cannot control our bodies,,,it just does what it wants thing to do is just keep a record of it,,,and how often it happens....if your period tends to be all over the place, or you just not sure...make a doctors appointment....all females bodies change...dont get too worked up about it...let it do its course and keep track of it....cheers

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