Why do I sweat so much?!

Question: Why do I sweat so much? Even when it is 30 degrees outside I sweat so much and it bothers me and i'm so self-concious. (sorry if spelt wrong) but none of my friends sweat as much as I do. I only sweat at school and not much at home. Why is that?

Answers: Why do I sweat so much? Even when it is 30 degrees outside I sweat so much and it bothers me and i'm so self-concious. (sorry if spelt wrong) but none of my friends sweat as much as I do. I only sweat at school and not much at home. Why is that?

This is a condition called hyperhydrosis that effects many people. If this is related to anxiety or nervousness, counselling or possibly a prescription for a betablocker type medication may help you but only your doctor can determine this for sure. For the underarms, there is a prescription antiperspirant that may be more effective than the ones you buy over the counter.

Primary hyperhidrosis is the condition characterized by abnormally increased perspiration, in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis can either be generalized or localized to specific parts of the body. Hands, feet, axillae, and the groin area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands; however, any part of the body may be affected. Primary hyperhidrosis is found to start during adolescence or even before, and interestingly, seems to be inherited as an autosomal dominant genetic trait.

Primary hyperhidrosis must be distinguished from secondary hyperhidrosis, which can start at any point in life. For some, it can seem to come on unexpectedly. The latter form may be due to a disorder of the thyroid or pituitary gland, diabetes mellitus, tumors, gout, menopause, certain drugs, or mercury poisoning. Such secondary forms may have more serious consequences than just hyperhidrosis, making medical consultation advisable.

It is not known what causes primary hyperhidrosis. One theory is that hyperhidrosis results from an overactive sympathetic nervous system, but this hyperactivity may in turn be caused by abnormal brain function.

Some patients afflicted with the condition experience a certain degree of reduction in their quality of life, depending on how severe their condition is. Sufferers feel at a loss of control because perspiration takes place independent of temperature and emotional state.

However, anxiety can exacerbate the situation for many sufferers. A common complaint of patients is that they get nervous because they sweat, then sweat more because they are nervous. Other factors can play a role; certain foods & drinks, nicotine, caffeine, and smells can trigger a response (see also diaphoresis)..

weird...i sweat a lot too. like i sweat when i eat. summer time is horrible, i can't wear gray; it will turn black. but my father sweats a lot too...so i must have inherited it from him. but at the same time...i produce a lot of heat especially when sleeping. maybe that has something to do with it?

you must be nervous about what people think or something. are you trying to impress someone?

It may be from anxiety, since you sweat more at school. They do make deodorants specifically to cut down on perspiration.

my friend's same as you.she sweats alot too.(thanks D tot for ur ans),anyway, going back to the question..yeah i guess it's because of nervousness.

i used to get the same way in like 6th-8th grade. i would get pit-stains, but i grew out of it. make sure your diet is healthy.

I have the same problem. Underneath my arms and very rarely my feet, but my hands were worse than anything because you do everything with your hands. Definitely made me self-conscious and pissed off.
So, I went to the dermatologist last month and he gave me this medicine called Drysol.
The doctor said if it didn't work, then I would have to get shots in hands and stuff to make it stop. But botox shots cost, like, loads. And then there's a surgery but sometimes it worsens it.
It's pretty awesome. It's cheap too, I think maybe eight dollars, but it will last a while so it's perfect.

omg i thought i was the only one like that i have that same problem i sweat alot when i am in school but not at home

but i wish i had some advice for u but i have not found out why i do that either yet

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