Will my eyes ever have good vision again ? or Did i curse myself ?!

Question: Will my eyes ever have good vision again ? or Did i curse myself ?
i was 6 -10 years old i think. Anywyas when i was little i taught glasses were cool and made my mom get me them. But the thingwas tht i was lying trohugt the whole vision test and could see the letters just fine. But currently sixteen my vision is really really bad (when i take my glasses off) and i feel bad tht i lied now my eyes get tired so often. Anyways is there any why i could fix them or should i just deal with it. Or was i going to get glasses anyways because my sister wear glasses and my dad needs them also ? Oh and I was sitting close to the board at 6-10 so maybe i did need them ?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I think you were destined to wind up with glasses anyway as your sister and dad both have them. Personally, I don't think wearing glasses you don't need forces your eyes to adapt to them.

well the whole using glasses you didn't need definately had something to do with it. don't worry, we all did stupid things as kids that ruined something for us in the long run. for me, i accidently lit myself on fire and now sometimes it starts tingling or throbbing sooo... don't feel TOO stupid, if you do, just think of "that idiot who set himself on fire" and you'll be fine


Wearing the wrong prescription glasses does NOT affect your eyesight in the longterm. The most it will do is give you a headache while wearing them.
I used very strong lenses as part of eye therapy I was given by an eye doctor! It actually improved the strength in my eye muscles. I wouldn't do this without doctor's approval, but know that you didn't cause this yourself.
Your eyesight and its changes are genetic. Whatever has happened to your eyes would have happened no matter what you did. As long as you see fine with your glasses on, there is nothing to worry about. Its when the glasses don't help that you have a problem.

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