My eye Doctor tells me that he won't change the script. Help?!

Question: My eye Doctor tells me that he won't change the script. Help?
I've been wearing glasses since I was 14. I'm going on 33 now and I can't see faraway things, especailly at night. I went to have my eye's examined and the Dr said he didn't want to increase my script because of my age. $170 later I have the same script and I still can't see. What should I do?


i think if it was me i would call and ask to speak to whoever you saw, or go in and ask what the reason is. explain what your symptoms are and they really should be able to give you a proper answer. if not then you might new to find a new optician. good luck

I would go back to the optician and ask for an explanation as to why a stronger prescription is not appropriate at the moment.
I have to admit that I have a problem with night vision that glasses cannot correct, and it makes it impossible for me to drive at night. Perhaps your situation is similar.
If you are not satisfied with the explanation you're given, it might be worth investing in an eye test with another optician. Preferably one who has been personally recommended to you.
good luck.

Go to another doctor.

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