Is this bad for my eyes.?!

Question: Is this bad for my eyes.?
i have been wearing the same glasses for 2 years now, last week i got contact lenses and the contact lenses is stronger than my glasses. every time i put in the contact lenses i feel dizzy for about 5 mins and then it stop and it feel normal. the same thing happen when i remove my lenses and wear my classes, is this normal or no? thanks


Dear Ivy
Yes wearing the contact lenses prescribed by your professional optometrist is always advised

If you stop wearing glasses/contacts you will suffer from headaches and not be able to see clearly.

Please feel free to make an appointment with me at any time to discuss any further options. Such as....laser eye surgery.

yes it's bad for your eyes.

If you have been given a new prescription, that's the one that you should be wearing. You're not doing yourself any favors by switching back and forth between new and old.

yes, that would be bad into your eyes
try wearing the same grades of your glasses and contact lenses

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