Contacts made eyes red?!

Question: Contacts made eyes red!?
my contacts made my eyes red!.!.what can I do to get rid of this redness!? ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Don't wear them for a day or so!. Let your eyes rest from them for a day or so!. It will clear up!. Or it could the type of contatcs your using!. You may need ot get rid of those and get a new pair!.

I had a pair that would always irritate my eyes!. One day it irritated me so bad I had to go to ER because the slightest bit of light hurt my eyes!. I went to ER wearing dark sunglasses and a hat You'd thought I was hiding from the paparazzi!. And they have to shine a light in your eye when they exam it!. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy!. They gave me some eye ointment and told me not to wear my contacts for two weeks!.

After which I switched my contacts to another brand and type and haven't had that problem since!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well i would not put eye drops i would go to the doctor to see if anything caused this redness on your eyes and i would go to the eye doctor to see if they gave u the wrong ones or if they need to get u new ones:DWww@Answer-Health@Com

Does this happen often or was it just today!? I think that you should just lay off of them for a while, but it could just be because they are torn or dirty!. Make sure they're clean!! Good luck! ;-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

you could have a bad solution!.!.!.not trying to scare you but some solutions have been known to carry bacteria!.!.!.i would check with your eye doctor asapWww@Answer-Health@Com

eye drops, or if they itch a little clean them[take them off clean with solution and your finger] ,they could be upside down!.!.so take them off and turn them over!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don' t wear them for a day ot two to see if the redness goes away!. Make sure your contacts are cleaned properly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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