What might these visual symptoms indicate?!

Question: In my left eye only, I occasionally see a blip of light. It's like the afterimage you get in your retina after looking at a bright light, like high beams or a camera flash. It is usually triggered by bright light, such as a sunny day, but I also see it when I look from a dark area into a light area (such as the border between the computer screen and the black frame). It's not constant, but sometimes I can make it appear by blinking rapidly.

I'm nearsighted (-9.0 and -10.0). I had an eye exam in August and the doctor said everything was healthy in my eye. Any ideas? Might it be something neurological? Thanks.

Answers: In my left eye only, I occasionally see a blip of light. It's like the afterimage you get in your retina after looking at a bright light, like high beams or a camera flash. It is usually triggered by bright light, such as a sunny day, but I also see it when I look from a dark area into a light area (such as the border between the computer screen and the black frame). It's not constant, but sometimes I can make it appear by blinking rapidly.

I'm nearsighted (-9.0 and -10.0). I had an eye exam in August and the doctor said everything was healthy in my eye. Any ideas? Might it be something neurological? Thanks.

Any time that you have a flash of light in an eye, you should see your doctor. That is a symptom of retinal detachment, which needs tending to. Chances are that what you are experiencing is nothing to worry about and that's probably the case. BUT, better safe than sorry. I doubt that your flashes have anything to do with a neurological disorder, but you would need to see the eye doctor again before you even went down that road.

Best Wishes

this happens to me too but i get dizzy occasionally

It's fine.

The eye can detect a single photon in complete darkness. Straining your eye in general can create strange images. Nothing to worry about.

yes may be get it checked it will not hurt

share some of the stuff you got with me....sounds really groovy ! ! !

I get that . I also get floaters, little black lines running across images. My doctor said it is very common.

Sounds like it's just floaters. Take a close-up flash photo of yourself in a darkish (dusk lighting) room and check to see if there are any abnormalities that show up in your eye.

Just in case you did not know,everybody has that. i have that myself. if you just look at your computer then look away like into a darker spot like the wall you can see the outline of the computer and the frame. right? No big deal your eyes are fine.:)

I would go to the doctor. Some woman came to the office the other day and said she was seeing flashes of light and then her eye went blurry. Our doctor sent her to a specialist cause he thought it might be a macular hole.

I would go to the doctor. It's been nearly half a year. It's better than risking it.

Consult your doctor. Now!

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