Do you need eyes to go to sleep?!

Question: My friend's dog had both of her eyes taken out because of cancer. We were wondering if she was able to go to sleep (because when you sleep your eyes roll back) or if she was just laying there.


Answers: My friend's dog had both of her eyes taken out because of cancer. We were wondering if she was able to go to sleep (because when you sleep your eyes roll back) or if she was just laying there.


Sleeping is something the brain does, which allows the body to recover from the activity of the day. It is not something, however, which the eyes do. It would be like saying that if a person snores, then they need a mouth to sleep. You (and the dog, too) will sleep whether or not you've got eyes.



Of course you can sleep.


No. I just close them and stop using them.


awww wow im sorry the dog had to get its eyes taken out =( and yes i would say it can sleep everyone and thing even animals have to sleep we would all die with no sleep

duh--i guess?

Of course now, there are a lot of blind people in this world without eyes at all, and they sleep ! And they can see when they dream, and often in colour !!!

no because sleep is due to the brain and not the eyes i fink

no u dont need eyes to go to sleep

yes! well i think thats a good question i never really thought about it...

yes of course u can still sleep...the short definition is..."to enter a state of subconsciousness and relaxation" not to have ur eyes roll back. it goes for animals to...other wise the vets would have humanly put the dog down.

you dont need eyes to go to sleep...what would eyes have to do with falling asleep?

Sleep is a periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is interrupted. Additionally, sleep is marked by:

decreased movement of the skeletal muscles;
a relaxed posture, usually lying down;
reduced response to stimulation, such as sounds and touch;
slowed-down metabolism; and
complex and active brain wave patterns.

nowhere does it say anything about the eyes...

yes rapid eye movement is called this because your eyes move very quickly when in that mode of sleep but you dont require eyes to hit REM sleep cycle. that would mean people who have lost eyes to injury or illness could never sleep again. and considering you start to go nuts after 4 days of not sleeping the vet would probably have explained that you cant sleep without eyes and they should have the dog put down

she will sleep. animals that sleep will die if they dont get enuff sleep.

NO not at all, many people have glass eyes and they manage to get to sleep perfectly well its just a matter of logic really as the eyes themselves don't generally have anything to do with sleeping, the only thing they do is stay there and sort of shut down or hibernate while you sleep with your eyelids closed so if you had no eyes then they wouldn't be there to sort of hibernate if you catch my drift. Plus its not listed as being a problem to sleep with on Wikipedia.

I wasn't expecting that graphic explanation about the dog , poor thing , is it still alive , omg ,
No you don't need eyes to fall a sleep, they roll back imaginary, that's what the brain senses

Animals do not need eyes to go to sleep. Many animals have lost the use of sight (fossorial animals) and still maintain a circadian rhythm by cycles of sleep and activity.

sleep is controlled by the brain, not the eyes. while there is a stage of sleep in which the eyes move rapidly (REM), it is not neccesary to have eyes to have REM sleep.

The dog will be able to sleep, but will be tormented by nightmares that all the other dogs are playing dirty tricks on her and snickering because she can't see what they're doing.

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