Please Help My Eye?!


Please Help My Eye?

Please help, whenever i look at shiny objects (the little led light on a tv when its on or PS2) there is a hug black dot on it. It isnt even that bright and its scaring me, my parents think im weird but it is freaking me out.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Its not when playing my PS2 (i don't play it that much) its the red led light on it. And its 11:20 at night i cant go anywhere will i be fine if i sleep.


Parents of teenagers sometimes tend to 'diminish' their kids 'fears' or 'worries'. If you are sincerely concerned about your vision, let them know that you are sincerely worried. When was the last time you had an eye exam? Most folks don't get their eyes examined unless there is a serious problem, when a routine eye check-up is probably a good idea once a child enters school, again before junior high school and again before high school. Are you having any other vision difficulties? Blurred vision, not being able to see objects clearly, or at distances where others seem to see them clearly? Can you see the 'board' at school? If you are experiencing any of these additionally problems, make sure you let your folks know; and that you're sincerely concerned.

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