My going to bed time is getting later and later but my getting up time is also g!


My going to bed time is getting later and later but my getting up time is also getting later and later!?

Ive recently been made redundant and found a job straight away. Same day infact, went for the interview and got the job. Thing is, my going to bed time is getting later and later and i start my new job in 7 days. I cant help it, im just not tired at night but cant get out of bed in the morning. help!


is called shifting, the problem is that as long as you continue to get up late your internal clock will continue to work with the late shedule, your body is trying to shift you forward so that you can completly skip a cycle, the only way of doing it would be to during the next 7 days force your self to wake up a the new job requirements and do not go back to bed until night, everynight earlier and earlier so that you can shift back, other alternative is to use a prescription med for sleep and do the same so that you can force your sleep cycle back to normal
also no cafeine, no alcohol and tobacco after 5pm, no naps, and no large late meals or exercise

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