Torn muscles??!


Torn muscles??

One day I was doing a spilt when suddenly my thigh muscle hurt and I immediatly got up..
After I stood,my muscle or hamstring got pain and I couldnt move properly...
Is this a muscle tear?
How can we repair it?
How long must i live with this?
Its recovered a bit,but still hurt whens i split and i've gone with it for a month already...


You haven't actually "torn" the muscle but is sounds like you have injured it. But don't actually picture your hamstring being torn into two pieces. A small tear in the muscle is preferable to ligament damage or something in your pelvic region, which is also quite common with this stretch.

We experience this often in the martial arts and it can be quite painful. I would lean toward the side of staying off it for one week because I have had the same injury.

If possible alternate ice and heat in 10 minute intervals. That is plenty. Always place a cloth between the ice pack and your skin to avoid more damage. If you don't have a hot pad then ice will do. Time will repair it.

If you were one of my students I would not allow you to stretch for 7 days as I mentioned. When you do begin stretching again, keep it light at first. Always warm up enough to break a good sweat before stretching.

This should not prevent you from doing anything in the future.

If you have fever, severe swelling, extreme pain, dizziness, vomiting, or any other strange symptoms then go to an emergency room. I am sure you are fine but these are signs that something more serious has happened. You would most likely experience these symptoms in the first 24-48 hours.

After a few weeks you should 100% again, if not then seek medical attention.

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