Knee surgery recovery?!


Knee surgery recovery?

im 18, i just had my right knee worked on
i had my acl replaced, my laterall ligiment repaired, my meniscus repaired, and bone scraping

how long am i looking at to atleast start walking without crutches and whatever other information you have

its been three days since ive got it done and its still pretty painful, will it be better when i get the staples out?


Staples come out 14 days post-op usually. Please, only listen to your physiotherapist and surgeon as to when your weight bearing status will change. They are the only ones that can and should answer your question. I am a surgical nurse, who takes care of surgeries such as yours daily, and I can't answer your weight bearing question because this type of surgery has a lot of variance in the progression, and approach taken for a good recovery. It very much depends on the extent of the damage, the surgical technique, and the surgeons preferences. Ice the surgical area for 20 minutes at a time, for pain, as well as analgesic, obviously.
Sorry, the removal of the staples will not make a difference on the pain, unless the staples are cause for irritation, which you would know, if it was red hot looking around the staple entry points. They don't really hurt coming out by the way. Take care.

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