Medical help?!


Medical help?

Please answer if your a professional doctor or nurse or somthing to do with medical. I was walking into the kitchen where I my mom mopped she told me to stop but I was already half way there. I stopped in my track but it was so slippery my feet slipped I fell hitting my head and elbow hard against tile floor. I got up crying I was dizzy and I had a horrible headace. I put ice and ten minutes later it stopped. Then I was able to go out. I also hurt my elbow it has a big black and blue. I went to the mall and the headace and elbow pain came back. I had to eat something I didnt eat anyting all day except for breakfast and it was already 6pm I ate it helped a little as I drank liquids I began to feel better. I got some rest but it keeps going on and off. I cant sleep because my elbow. I went to the doctors but didnt tell them about my head the said I just had a severe bruise on my arm. I need to know if I shoullld go to the doctors or hospital or ride it out. Please help me!!!!!!!!


from what u have stated u have suffered from minor bruise and a little knock on ur head!!!
it is but natural that u will feel little dizzy and achy!!
it is just a passing phase so have courage and ride it out!!
all the best

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