The migraine myth?!


The migraine myth?

what a migraine cause by


Although much about headaches still isn't understood, some researchers think migraines may be caused by functional changes in the trigeminal nerve system, a major pain pathway in your nervous system, and by imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which plays a regulatory role for pain messages going through this pathway.

During a headache, serotonin levels drop. Researchers believe this causes the trigeminal nerve to release substances called neuropeptides, which travel to your brain's outer covering (meninges). There they cause blood vessels to become dilated and inflamed. The result is headache pain.

Certain things that can set off migraines include the following:

Strong or unusual odors, bright lights or loud noises
Changes in weather or altitude
Being tired, stressed or depressed
Changes in sleeping patterns or sleeping time
Certain foods (see the list below), especially those that contain tyramine, sodium nitrate or phenylalanine
Missing meals or fasting
Menstrual periods or hormones
Intense physical activity

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