Please help me! It hurts like hell! What can I do?!


Please help me! It hurts like hell! What can I do?

I am a thirteen year old girl and my knee hurts like CRAZY! This happens ALL THE TIME. And it isn't growing pains, because I know what they feel like. It is NOT growing pains, because I'm already finished growing. I mean, it hurts so bad it makes me want to throw up. But it doesn't make me cry because I'm used to it. Advil doesn't help. This has been happening ever since I was like, ten. Is it something I should be worried about? Should I tell someone? What can I do to make it go away? Is it normal? Thank you.

Additional Details

1 week ago
It's not sarcomas...there is no lump in my knee. It's just PURE PAIN.

1 week ago
Oh yeah, I have scoliosis, but that couldn't have anything to do with it. But we are paying a lot of doctors bills for me right for my scoli surgery, orthopaedic visits, braces, orthodontists, etc.

1 week ago
Also, when I get up, my knees crack. And my parents just brush this off like nothing. If I tell them to take me to a doctor, they don't take me seriously. They don't understand.


See a doctor.

Persistent pain that doesn't ease, doesn't go away, will only get worse.

Also, it may be something that needs fast treatment for a complete cure.

You're under age. The state will pay for your medical care. You have nothing to lose. Except agony. Go to the doctor.

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