UTI Relief?!


UTI Relief?

Any suggestions how to make this horrible feeling go away?


You are right it is horrible pain. I have what is called IC and it is a very painful bladder disorder. It feels like you have a bladder infection & at times the pain can last for weeks! The thing is when your dr tests for a bladder infection there is none and things like cranberry juice make the pain so much worse.

So I know how you feel. I've had that awful feeling now all week now.

Here is what helps me:

First off you can go the drug store and get something called AZO. It will help your bladder pain. Follow the link to see a photo of the box it will be in:

Next you can put a heating pad on your belly to help with the pressure and pain. That helps me a lot. Or relaxing in a bath tub. Take a book with you can you can stay as long as you like.

This week my IC pain has been awful. At times I've been almost in tears & the pain keeps me in bed 24hrs a day! (I had to miss the 4th of July and fireworks). But one things has help a good bit. It is going to sound crazy but it helps.

During a bladder infection and the same with IC pain your pelvic floor gets inflamed causing pain, pressure and that horrible feeling of having to pee ALL THE TIME. As with things that are inflamed cold compress helps.

I have been using a bag of frozen veggies to help with the pain. Cold veggies and stuff like that stay frozen longer than ICE. lol I've wrapped the bag up in a thin towel then put it between my legs. This is where a lot of the pain is and you will be amazed at how it helps relax your pelvic floor. Also it helps numb the pain.

When I first read that online I thought the person was crazy. But during one awful pain episode I was going out of mind and the second I did this I felt better.

Good luck and remember you will get better. The problem with IC is well we don't. Luckily though my last flare up before this was back in March. Count your blessings some of us live with the symptoms of UTI's all the time, day in and day out.

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