My right ear is in throbbing pain (inner as well as outer). What do I do?!


My right ear is in throbbing pain (inner as well as outer). What do I do?

I went running today when it was very, very windy. Can that be the cause? It hurts really bad =(


It sounds as though the wind has irritated the lining of your outer ear and probably set up an infection in either or both your outer and inner ear.

You will need antibiotics to sort this out, but until you get to the Dr's, try Ibuprofen, which is an anti inflammatory and pain relief to reduce the swelling and if the pain is really bad. try Paracetamol as well. You can safely take both drugs for up three days at intervals of two hours (example: 12 O clock take 2 paracetamol and at 2 O clock take two Ibuprofen and then at 4 O clock take 2 more paracetamol and so on ...) But do not exceed the maximum dose of either drug.

This is an emergency measure and should not be taken for longer than 3 days. The two drugs act in different ways and will not interact with each other. However, if you feel this is not suiting you, stop.

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