What does our liver and pancreas do?!


What does our liver and pancreas do?

What are the major jobs for both our liver and pancreas? Do they both work together and do the same jobs?Can drinking very little water affect our liver and pancreas and in what ways? Why is it so important to drink alot of water? I would really appreciate good answers to these questions. Thanks to those that help me understand our bodies. Have a good day. =)


both the pancreas and liver are endocrine and exocrine organs. what the means is both the liver and pancreas secrete chemicals/enzymes into the small intestine. these are vital for digestion.
the liver makes bile and stores it in the gallbladder. bile helps dissolving/digesting fats. it also gets rid of some waste products at the same time - they get pooped out!
the pancreas makes a bunch of enzymes for digesting food as well. the pancreas sends these products into the small intestine in the same tube that the bile runs through.
if either of these organs aren't working properly food doesn't get properly digested and absorbed.

both the pancreas and liver also make hormones which get secreted straight into the blood stream.
the pancreas makes insulin and glucagon, these two hormones keep the amount of sugar in your blood at the perfect levels.
the liver makes so many blood products. proteins that keep water in the blood stream. cholesterol, converts extra sugar for smart storage, processes toxins and heaps more.

as you digest food all the stuff goes into the blood stream but before that gets let loose in the body the liver filters it to make sure toxic stuff isn't going straight to your brain or heart or kidneys. the liver converts lots of medications so they don't stay in our bodies forever.

drinking alot or not enough water can effect the liver and pancreas but not directly. not enough water will dehydrate a person and the digestive organs, including the liver and pancreas, don't get as much blood. extra water we take in gets filtered out by the kidneys.

not enough water can make digestion more difficult but it is the intestines that stuff - not really the liver or pancreas.

drinking soft drink isn't great for the pancreas as it has to make heaps of insulin really fast. this stress if done consistantly has led to diabetes mellitus.

Hepatitis A-F are viruses that attack the liver.

hope this is what you were asking about

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