How to get rid of horrible cramps?!

Question: How to get rid of horrible cramps?
Im on my period, & i have HORRIBLE cramps! If i move outta the fettle position then i start get cramps.
Is there anything that can help make my cramps hurt less or go away?
Ohhh & i dont like chocolate, so i don't think that will help.


Ohh that happens to me! I'm literally doubled over in pain.
Take pamprin. Take the EXTRA STRENGTH though.
It has ibuprofen, caffeine, and a sleep aid.
Works wonders and pain will be gone within 45min

Chocolate actually heightens your senses and makes it worse- I found that one out the hard way.

My fave thing is to get a good book and take a really long HOT HOT HOT bath.

While you're in there it'll be wonderful, a hot-water-bottle can help when your out of the bath.

It's horrible, I have endometriosis so I know what it's like.

Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Xanax. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ---->

Midol definetly helps for me!takes the cramps away in no time

take some motrin. exercise helps. or just try stretching.

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