Full Feeling ALL the Time - Help!?!

Question: Full Feeling ALL the Time - Help!?
On last Wednesday, I ate something that either did not agree with me or was food poisioning. I was very sick. (vomitting, diarrhea). It last all night up until the next afternoon. Finally things leveled off. I was nauseated for a few dates after that, but that went away as well. I saw a doctor who prescribed nausea meds, etc.

Now, one week later, and I am simply full ALL the time. It is not a full feeling in the lower abdomen, but a full feeling in the upper part, just where the stomach would be. I can only eat small meals and even if I don't eat, I feel full. I burp a lot.

I am started to get worried. Could something be wrong? Anyone else experience this? Anything I can do to get rid of this feeling?


It could be possible that the virus/ infection you were suffering from hasn't left your system yet. It takes a while for the bacterial balance between good and bad to restore itself in your digestive tract. Often a full feeling is caused by excess gas, which would also explain the burping and bad bacteria have a habit of producing gas in your gut.

I wouldn't be too worried yet and just eat light and healthy, drink lots of water, rest and give your body chance to get in balance. Also pro biotics are good and you can get them in health stores.

However, if it continues for a longer period, go and see your doctor. It could be ibs, it's not a serious condition but it is an annoying one. I suffer with it and certain foods or just stress cause different reactions, nausea, fullness, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea etc.

That's more of a long term thing though so try not worry and I hope you feel better soon.

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