Why am i always tiredd?!

Question: Why am i always tiredd?
all i wanna do is sleep all the time and i pass out a lot because i am really sleepy and lightheaded!?!


Perhaps you need more energy enzymes from more fruit and vegetables.

Iron anemia is a possibility.

Under eating (if relevant) or dehydration (if relevant) are other possibilities.

Well,,,, I'm not a doctor,,You should check your temp. and if you have no high temp,, then it could be an alergery,,or fungus infection,,or a heart problem,,or a mild depression...Depression raises its face in "MANY WAYS"...But in reality,,I would see a doctor. "NOTE" seeing a doctor is the best thing,,,,Also, if you are a student, you could be tired from over studying.

3 Heart Attacts......

Are you addicted to sweets or white carbs? If not, get your thyroid checked.

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