Hurt wrist, don't know what happened. Please help!?!

Question: Hurt wrist, don't know what happened. Please help!?
I was playing basketball with my cousin about a day ago. I fell and hurt my wrist. It is not swollen and has no bones popping out or anything abnormal. It hurts to bend it from side to side, up and down, yet I am can still move it. I can make a fist and squeeze, and other slight movements, yet they all hurt. My mom or dad will not take me to the hospital so I have no treatment, should I put ice or keep it elevated? I do not have a brace or wrap in handy. It hurts very badly and I want to end it. I have track on Tuesday and do not want to injure it anymore. My dad says I opened my wrist, whatever that means, and my mom says its just sore from the fall. What do I do??? PLEASE HELP!!!!


It sounds like you sprained you wrist. Use RICE.


I would get a brace your your wrist too. They have some at pharmacies and Wal-mart, or go to the doctor and he might give you one. Good luck, and I hope this helps! :)

Really accident prone 15 year old girl who knows pain.

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