I'm sick and can't sleep?!

Question: I'm sick and can't sleep?
My throat hurts really bad, and I'm tired all the time. When I lie down to go to sleep, i usually fall asleep, but wake up several times because of mucus and dryness on different parts of my throat...It hurts, and if i swallow it won't go away so i can sleep. Yesterday night, I drank half a bottle of nyquil to make sure i stay asleep til morning, but all it did was help me fall asleep faster, THEn wake up again.
What can i do to help my throat? I hate milk & honey. :(


Try gargling with salt water. You may do this as often as you want, however the salt in it may make you thirsty. Drink LOTS of water, not only is it good for you but it will help thin the mucous. THe salt water will help to break it up and make it easier to spit it out. As for the pain, I like Cepacol or maybe Sucrets. Milk and Honey for this problem I think would only add to your issues, it would thicken the secretions. You may be tired from lack of sleep, however if this issue continues beyond the next 24-48hrs then call your Dr. You may have a more serious issue going on.


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