I am having lots of back pain. Help Please!?!

Question: I am having lots of back pain!. Help Please!!?
I have been having a lot of back pain and nothing seems to be helping!. I have tried Advil, Aleve, Ib prophen, Excedrin, Tylenol, Motrin and nothing is working!. I tried sleeping on the floor!. In my bed with no pillows!. I am using a heating pad every night when I get home from work!. I have tried hot baths and showers as well!. Nothing is working!. I work with children Monday through Friday so yes I am on the floor I have to lift children weighing 50+ pounds!. I have had this job for over a year so why is it just starting now!. Any ideas!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I have a good idea what's wrong!. Also, don't do the pills!. They will screw up tyour insides and only mask the pain and don't cure it!!! It sounds to me that you just have to stretch out your spine!. Inversion therapy sounds like it could be perfect for you!. Inversion therapy is when you hang upside down with gravity boots or on an inversion table and the weight of your body pulls your spine or elongates it so that your spine can straighten out and go back into alignment and straighten up!. This will also fix your posture problem!. Once you begin to invert your spine will get used to being straight and will stay that way after a while!. If you invert you can also do mini crunches to strengthen your spine and to build the muscles in your back!. Inversion therapy is the best thing for you sweetie!. Give it a try, you won't be sorry!. Here is where you can get some good info!. GOOGLE: online health mart sciatica and read about what I'm saying!. Hope you feel better soon, inversion therapy will help!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be an orthopedic problem!. You should see a orthopedist for x-rays and and MRI to rule out bone and connective tissue disorders!. I thought I had pulled muscles for a long time, and it turned out to be a stress fracture of a vertebra!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have cronic back pain myself!. My doctor told me to use an exercise ball!. Set the ball on the floor and lay on my back over it and relax my body to decompress my spine!. It really works!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You probably injured some muscles!. A couple of therapeutic massages will probably help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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