Severe back pain worth the risk?!

Question: Severe back pain worth the risk!?
I've had lower back pain since i was in highschool!. My doctors told me i would "grow out of it"!.(BS!!)

four years later, this pain has just gotten worse and worse!. I have a protruding disc and some weird fusions along my spins!.

The doctors suggested I could give surgery a try!. Just wanting some non-medical advices!. What would you do if you were me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am SO glad you asked this question!. I am 23 years old and when I was 16 I had back surgery for a ruptured disc (L5)!. I REGRET IT! I did it during the summer and I was home bound for about a month with this crappy back brace on!. I had trouble sleeping!. It sucked so bad, I couldn't even wipe my own @$$ for a few days!. Everything was fine, and then TWO YEARS later I had scar tissue from surgery, and ended up paying $3,000 out of pocket for chiropractic care, which seems to have fixed my pain!. My chiropractor used the SpineMed therapy on me!. I would not even recommend back surgery to an enemy! SpineMed therapy all the way!!!

Oh by the way, back surgery has a 50% failure rate!!! Don't do it!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends what you mean by surgery If you mean removing the prolapsed disc to stop it pushing on the nerves, then I disagree with a previous answer the success of that procedure is better than 50/50!. But if your Doctor advises a spinal fusion where two or more discs are joined together the sauces rate is extremely low as far as I can far as I can find out!. (A doctor I trust told me that he had never known one without some type of complications) I had a disc removed and recovered reasonably but I did have problems after the surgery,but I also know of other people who had no further problems!. Perhaps it might be worthwhile trying some off the 'alternative therapies' available ie osteopath acupuncture!. Personally I think that at your age I would try and see what non surgical options there are and think long and hard before opting for surgery, I would also consult with a doctor that specializes in spinal surgery, rather than a general orthopedic surgeon(but thinks go wrong when they operate as well as I prove)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Was that a same doctor!?
If so, do consider getting second opinion from another doctor or specialist!.

I know Pilate helps in correcting posture -- provided that you are not suffering slip disk or spinal issues!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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