Will my cavity being filled hurt?!

Question: Will my cavity being filled hurt!?
I went to the dentist about 2 weeks ago and he said that I have either a big cavity or a root canal!. It doesn't hurt right now at all and normally hasnt!. Will this hurt!?!!? I am scared, nervous, and sweating just thinking about it! How does this work!? What will he do!?

Please Answer! I Will Pick The Best Answer!Www@Answer-Health@Com

In Canada, contemporary dentists use the following procedure:

1!. They will apply a gel-like substance that is a diffusive anesthetic!.
2!. They will insert a sterile needle at this site with topical anesthetic!. At this time, you will not feel anything except the pressure from the needle and a VERY minute point of accentuated pressured!. [If the tooth is abscessed, this amount of pressure is not comparable to the pain experienced with an abscessed tooth!.]
3!. An electronic machine will inject the anesthetic at a slow rate so that the pressure that can be caused by human error which causes pain!. You will have to hold very still!.
4!. The anesthetic will begin to take its effect!.
5!. The dentist will apply several different metallic parts and, perhaps, a rubber debris catcher, depending on the area of the cavity!. There will be some pushing and pulling, but there will be absolutely no pain unless there was a miscalculation by the dentist!. (highly unlikely as they do this every day for many years!. for them, it's like riding a bike!.)
6!. The dentist will begin the procedure!. There will be drilling, pasting, gluing, and refining, and more pushing!. You may feel pushing and pulling, but this is becuase of the pressure your ligaments are feeling!. Your nerves in the site are, basically, alseep so you will feel absolutely no sharp pain that we associate with cuts, burns, breaks, or bruises!.
7!. The dentist will finish his/her procedure in timely manner, and give you an okay to go!.
8!. Your mouth may still be numb for a while (about 2-3 hours), the time dependant on the anesthetic used and the volume of it!.

On the whole, you have no reason to fear!. In the medieval ages, you would just make someone drink ALOT of alchohol and pull it out with your own two hands!. Today's biotechnology has given us the ability to minimize pain while doing minimal damage to surrounding cells!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

He will probably inject some numbing medicine into the immediate area and start drilling!. Other than the "pinch" you feel from injection, you won't feel any pain!. Drilling may be uncomfortable because of noise and vibration but you will feel zero pain!.!.!.!. Root canal is done by placing a small drill (by hand) into the hole and pick out nerve endings!. Again, it won't hurt because of the injection!.

After the procedure, you will have some dull pain but usually not any shape pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OH! i just had the exact same thing happen to me!!!
so i went in they numbed me up, they usually do more than necessary if there is a possibility of a root canal!.

once they started drilling they realized it would be a root canal, stopped drilling and discussed the procedure with me and my options!.

during the root canal (takes about 45 min) basically they sand away alot of your tooth to make a large hole, they remove the nerve or nerves, put a "fake nerve"( little plastic and metal thing, about the size of a sewing needle in), then they fill whats left of your tooth!.

then you get a temporary crown put on, come in about two weeks later and get your permanent one!.

i was really worried and scared, i started to cry!! but my dentist told me if i got uncomfortable or felt anything to raise my hand ( not in their way though) and he could stop and give me a break!.

unfortunately for him, i was getting sick so i had some Flem so i had to stop every once in a while and sit up to swallow!. they didnt mind at all to do this for me!.

now after, your tooth with be pretty darn sore might be a little painful, but for me it went away with some advil!. and i ate alot of soup and ice cream along with jello and some chips!.

its been about 2 weeks now and im completely fine!.
im sure everything will go just fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unfortunately throughout my life I have had several cavities and I can tell you that in my experience with fillings- yes it's really uncomfortable and slightly painful!. The only reason is because they drill out the cavity and fill it in with other stuff!. Personally, I have sensitive teeth and the cold hurts them- so when they drilled out mine I could still feel it, and then when they rinsed out the tooth dust or whatever it it, the cold water and air from the suction thing hurt a whole bunch!.

They do give you novocaine which is uncomfortable - its like a tug on the inside of your mouth for a few minutes!.!.!. but the novocaine never worked for me!.!.!. do ask for laughing gas- it helped when I had my wisdoms pulled!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok, chill!. A cavaty I have had them filled more times I had a job, which is alot!. If you cry when you get a vaccine, then you will cy when they will give you a filling!. Basically, most parts to the filling procedure they just do stuff on your teeth that i dont' realy mind!.
But the one thing they do per teech filling is they give you a shot to numb your gums so you wont feel any pain!. So yea, its just like you getting a shot on your gums but it wont hurt as much as vaccinese Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is easy

he will put a swabof numbing stuff on your gums near that tooth

he will give you an injection that numbs about half of your mouth on the same sdie that the tooth is on

he will wait a few minutes so everything tsakes effect and then you won't feel a thing

then he will use a dental tool to make a the cavity hole cleaned out

then he fills the little clean cavity hole with a dental amalgam that will last for many years

then he will send a bill in the mail

the worst part is trying not to drool when your mouth is numb and that lasts for about two hours after

and don't bite your tongueWww@Answer-Health@Com

I had a fear of the dentist for a while because as a child I had bad experiences and felt things as they worked on my teeth!.

Let your dentist know your fears!.

I opted for novacane shot!.!. they pre numb a bit you feel a pinch !.!. not great feeling but will numb your mouth!.!.

If you feel any pain during let them know and they can renumb!.

usually you just feel pressure!.!. i hate the sound!.!. i brought my ipod!.!. and even though you can hear sounds in your head since they work on your teeth it helped to calm me!.

it's not really the pain but with a root canal the vibrating from the drill is kinda intense!. the needle is the worst part!. don't worry about it!. it won't hurt anything like the shearing agony you will go through with child birth!. i'm just sayin'Www@Answer-Health@Com


they numb you up, using either laughing gas or an injection in the gums !.!.

and the injection is just a tiny pinch, not bad at all (and i'm a woos)

after that it will just be noise !.!. so don't worryWww@Answer-Health@Com

No the only part of it that will hurt is the novacaine shot!. It will just feel like someone is tugging on the inside of your mouth for a while and you'll feel some tension!. No Pain!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had billions of cavities! They don't hurt! He first gives you a shot to numb your mouth and then he does his work! Don't worry the shot doesn't hurt bad! It's just like a really strong pinch on your gum!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I doesn't hurt at all, it might be a little sensitive at first but that's it!. I had my filled for years now and I'm fine!. Don't worried, it's okay!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well if its a Root Canal it can hurt =( but doctors add somesort of anasthesia for cavities and it doesnt hurt in the process but it might hurt later on that day but I think you will be just fine =)Www@Answer-Health@Com


root canal very painful!. cavity not so much!. they will numb you pretty good either way!. tell them you sre ensitive and they might put you out or extra numbingWww@Answer-Health@Com

The lone saving grace of having dental work done is being drugged off your boo boo for most of it, as well as the lovely pills they give you for your recovery!. Enjoy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry it never hurts to get a cavity filled!. they give you a gass to breath in so you don't feel anything!.

good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

i have fillings and the worst part was the shot and then the afterwards pain just take ya some tylenol the night before and eat a good breakfast!.!. ;) Www@Answer-Health@Com

not at all!.!.!. mine didn't they put this needle in your gum and it doesn't hurt either, then they go at it and you don't feel a thing

it won't hurt cuz they will numb it!. But the needle they inject will sting and then everything will feel really heavy in your mouth!.!.numbness taking placeWww@Answer-Health@Com


They will give you a novocaine shot so you won't feel hardly anything!. After it wears out, you will be fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it will hurt, love, but it's nothing you can't handle : )

just bring someone's hand to squeeeeeeze!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Root canals generally hurt!. Ask for the laughing gas maybe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it's weird feeling, but the only part that hurts is the novacaine shot, which hurts less than your average shotWww@Answer-Health@Com

Most dentists like to use Novocaine!.

But maybe that is just in my area!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

like a b****!.
sorry but it will!.
don't get too nervous though,
it will pass in time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it wont hurt
your mouth is numb!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


I'll feel your cavity nice and gently !. send me a photo first!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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