Why does My lower jaw hurts.?!

Question: Why does My lower jaw hurts!.!?
my jaw just started hurting!. It's in the back of my mouth!. lately my jaw has been like popping when ever i open my mouth!. Do you have any idea why!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have a condition known as TMJ, no I do not know what it stands for but your dentist could tell you more!. Mine told me if it does not hurt that bad and the jaw is not locking then they leave it alone!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is a condition called TMJ!. It stand for temporal- mandibular joint!. This is caused by several things!.

1) Muscle imbalances that open, close and move the jaw side to side!. Balancing them out is very effective- but painful!. Many chiropractors specialize in this!. Dentists do not!.

2) If you have a misalignment in your neck, your body will compensate!. So if your head is tipped slightly, you jaw will compensate in order to remain level!. This can cause tension in TMJ muscles and cause jaw pain!.

I chiropractor who specializes in TMJ dysfunction or one who specializes in SOT(Sacral-occiptal technique), should be able to help you with this!.

Good Luck

keep "it" outta your mouth!.!.


you talk to much !.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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