Strained Quad.How can I get healthy again?!

Question: Strained Quad!.How can I get healthy again!?
At the begging of my football season this year in practice,I pulled my quad running a deep route!.I have been playing through it for weeks using icyhot, but now it is starting to really wear on me!.I cant run fast anymore without great pain and my quad is tight and a little swollen!.what can i do to get back to full speed!?do i need to just stop practicing!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are not giving it a chance to heal and it will likely get worse if you continue!. As an athlete you should be familiar with RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, elevation) this will help to control inflammation!. Also you can start gently stretching it to improve your range of motion but don't overdo it!. You might also find massaging the area helpful!. If this doesn't make it any better you should go see a doctor to make sure there isn't any major tissue damage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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