I have a question about heartburn?!

Question: I have a question about heartburn!?
im only 14 and i get really bad heartburn alot
i also get acid reflux alot too
anyone know good medicine to help prevent attacks or heartburn during school and junk!? money isnt an issueWww@Answer-Health@Com

You might need to see a doctor about this!. If you're 14 and you're already experiencing constant acid reflux and heartburn, it could be a problem with your cardiac sphincter!. Taking heartburn medication is only a temporary solution, because there could be permanent damage to your esophageal lining if it continues!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok to be honest, you are way too young to suffer from heartburn!. What kind of diet do you have!? Stay away from fatty foods, coffee, soda, and things with a lot of acid such as milk, vinegar, citrus, etc!. That alone can make a huge difference!.

I highly recommend seeing a doctor!.

I am sorry for saying this, but if you are throwing up, stop now!. You can do a lot of damage to your body this way, rot your teeth, or get cancer in your esophagus!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Zantac, it works pretty good, I think that's what it's called!. Or you could buy a generic acid reducer!.!.!.but, that's pretty much the only thing that works for me!. If your heartburn isn't too bad just tak?? some rolaids with you and pop a couple in your mouth and after about 20 minutes you should feel a lot better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I take Nexium for acid reflux, and I think its one of the best meds out there for that!. Go to a doctor and they can give you a script for some!. If you dont want to go to the docs, your best bet would be prilosec otc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I also suffer from Acid Reflux!. What helps me, is taking Zantac!. You can buy it at the grocery store!. A life saver, truly (;

Just remember to go to your doctor first and ask his/her advice before taking any medications!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know the best thing ever for heart burn!.!.!. It is cheap!. Baking Soda! Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and it will cure it within 5 minutes!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

pepcid ac,Www@Answer-Health@Com

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