Im tired all the time and i just got a weird bruise on my left arm..?!

Question: Im tired all the time and i just got a weird bruise on my left arm!.!.!?
whats wrong with me!?

im tired all the time!. i go to school at 6:45, get home at 2:30 and i go straight to bed and sleep till i have to get up for school the next day!.
and even when i sleep all that time im still tired in the morning and it is almost impossible to get up for school!.

and i just got this weird bruise on my left fore-arm, i dont know if that has anything to do with it!.
and im never hungry anymore!. i eat like 1 bag of chips all day!.
i think im fat, but thats not why i dont eat!. im just not hungry, but im just mentioning i think im fat because i used to think i was fine and i guess my perception has changed or something!.!.i dont know!.
and i always have headaches!. really bad headaches 24/7

anybody know!?
its been going on for about a year but i think its gotton worse ever since my boyfriend broke up with me!. i feel really sad when im home alone sometimes!. but its not all the time so i dont think its depression!.!.right!?

i do go out and do things, like on the weekend i hangout with my friends!.
but all we do is chill at someones house or go to the movies!.
so its not like im getting any excersize or draining my energy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Malnutrition and anaemia as a result of depression!.!.!. You poor thing, you need to take a break!.!.!. No you don't need to feel down all the time, mostly when you have time to be!.

OK, first things first: get some fruit - anything which looks tempting; some carrot sticks and houmous; some fruit juice; a carton of your favourite ice cream!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. and pig out!.!.!. This will remind you that there are other foods apart from chips and make you feel better!.

Top up with Evening primrose oil and a multivitamin containing vitamins C and preferably all the Bs plus Iron!.!.!. Get some St John's Wort to lift your spirit!.!.!. (if not available try Kalms or SuNervan)!.

Now, as soon as you gave a little more energy take some walks, get your friends involved in a game of rounders or baseball, instead of the movies why not visit a funfair!? The exercise will lift your depression, whereas watching a girly flick will just make you feel worse!. Also this fattness you are feeling is probably just your body feeling less toned due to lack of exercise!.

Go out and have fun, you are young, yes you got hurt - I am afraid it will probably happen a few more times and you will probably break a few hearts too!.!. In years to come you will look back at your schooldays and yearn to go back to them!

Try to spend a little quality time with your family while you are awake, tell them how you are feeling and I am sure that you will get lots of loving support - better than suffering alone and affecting your exam results!.!.

If you still feel down once you have tried all of these check out Paul McKenna's website; http://www!.paulmckenna!.com/Default!.aspx!?!.!.!. !. His book "I can mend your broken heart" certainly helped me!!

Good Luck!. I hope you feel better - and meet a much nicer guy - very soon!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you are severly depressed!. Since the symptoms increased after you broke up with your boyfriend!. Talk with your family about what has been bugging you!. Also see if there is a therapist you could go to!.

I don't think the bruise is anything to worry about I get deep brusies all the time and don't remember how I got them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to the doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

The fact that you aren't getting much excersize can have a big impression on your mood, appetite, energy, and overall health!.

Depression can also cause all of these things (except for the bruising!.) Even if you don't feel down all the time, if when you feel sad, you are extremely sad, I would see a doctor!. Loss of appetite and feeling tired all the time are BIG signs of depression!.

As far as the bruising, it may be lack of nutrition, or anemia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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