What is the best pain killer?????!

Question: What is the best pain killer!?!?!?!?!?
For a toothache!? Please!.!.!.and this is not just a toothache but my jaw is swollen from it and i have been taking 800 mg ibuprohen and i even had a loratab, nothing is working and im in serious pain!. already been to the dentist, can't afford it!.!.but if someone could tell me a pain killer that will work that would be really nice!. thanks alot



Hey to all the people who gave me thumbs down!. This person asked What is the best pain killer!.!.!.so by that, I think its safe to say that she wants to know what is the strongest and what takes the pain away the best!. Not only do I know from person experience, but also it says right here on this website after a study was conducted that Oxycontin is the best for alleviating pain, next to Morphine (which you could not easily get ahold of) and some other drug Ive never heard of so its probably hard to get ahold of too!. Just cuz you may know someone who is hooked on them like we all know, doesnt mean its not the best painkiller!. After all, they wouldnt be hooked on them if they werent the best!. They'd be hooked on something else now wouldnt they!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Both liquid Benadryl and clove oil are powerful topical oral anesthetics!. You take the Benadryl and swish it around in your mouth as long as you can stand it, then either swallow it or spit it out!. Apply clove oil with a q-tip or your finger!. It will really burn for a bit, and taste awful, but it will numb your gums, and the tooth if the nerve is exposed!.

I suggest taking the ibuprofen to reduce swelling, and use something as a topical anesthetic (either the suggestions above, or something like Orajel)!. GO TO THE ER!. They will treat you, and some even work in conjunction with an on-call dentist or oral surgeon!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tylenol 3 with codeine!. But you say your jaw is swollen, that is from an infected tooth!. You are going to need an antibiotic for that!. Once you get rid of the infection and the swelling goes down, then the tooth will have to be extracted!. Most dentists at least in my area, will take payments!. Whatever you do, don't drink anything hot or swish it around in your mouth, that will only make things worse!. Go talk to the Dentist about getting things taken care of, and explain your financial situation, and ask if you could make payments!. Try another Dentist if yours won't and keep checking until you find one that will help you!. Wishing you the very best young lady, hope you get things taken care of soon and you're as good as new!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Percocet, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Tylenol 3 (Tylenol with codeine) those all work great!. I recently got my wisdom teeth taken out so I know how you feel with the whole jaw/mouth pain, he prescribed me Oxycodone (same as percocet) and it did wonders!. It didn't make me drowsy or totally messed up, but made me totally forget I even had surgery!. Tell your doc you are in severe pain and would like something stronger than over the counter drugs, but be careful how you ask, you don't want to seem like an addict who just wants some pills to get high!.

Good luck and I'm sorry about the pain!Www@Answer-Health@Com

start off with about 3 shots of Jack straight, no chaser then get some orajel and rub a good amount on the gums front and back!.!. smoke a blunt of some ganja good pass out wake up in the morning goto the emergency room since they cant denie you service!.!. they'll check you out, hook you up with what you need and send you on your way!.!. you probably just aggreivated the root of the tooth at the jaw line which irritated the tooths nerve and possibly caused an infection idk im not a dentist but thats what i did when my **** was swollen!.!.

if you're into poppin pills though take 2 or 3 4bars aka xanax pass out and goto the emergency room in the morning etc!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

THIS HAPPENED TO MY SISTER:if your jaw is swollen, go to the ER:she had to go back too and got antibiotics+stronger painkillers!.
Don't drink alcohol, its not as good and you may end up vomiting!.
My sis had a ton of pus drained 2 days later from the hole(tooth was pulled)
Go to the ER!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Aw, that sucks really bad!. Can you go get some oragel!? I think that helps a toothache!. If the tooth hurts that bad maybe you could talk to a dental school soon because I think they sometimes do work for free!. It's not bad work because they have instructors watching and checking the work!. Good luck with that!. Been there and know it sucks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone is different, but for me, if I am getting a prescription for pain meds, I like darvocet because it doesn't mess me up, it just takes the pain away!. Vicodin and other narcotics I can't functionWww@Answer-Health@Com

Tylenol 3 is what I was prescribed by the dentist!.
Don't let your financial situation prevent you from seeking treatment!.!.!.!. There are dental offices that work on a payment plan!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like it may be an infection you may need an antibioticWww@Answer-Health@Com

go to the hospital if it is infected they have to help!. otherwise smoke some weed!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

hoooooo! tylenol with codeine ! it sedates you by prescription only sorry!Www@Answer-Health@Com


It's pretty amazingWww@Answer-Health@Com

Old, great and natural Chronic MarijuanaWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well if it doesn't work at 800mg, i would reccomend going to dentist right away!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suggest Ibuprofen rich tablets!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow!.!. loratabs didnt work!?!? u may wanna think about Acetaminophen; CodeineWww@Answer-Health@Com

take a hammer and hit your hand!.!. problem solved your wont feel your teeth because your hand will be ripped up "_"Www@Answer-Health@Com

man that's what you get from kissing all night!.!.
you deserve it!.!.

Anesthesia would do the trick!.!.
Use it on your!.!.!.



tequila Www@Answer-Health@Com

tylenol with codeineWww@Answer-Health@Com


try strong painkiller!.!.!.tramadolWww@Answer-Health@Com


no joking dude!.!.smoke sum weed!.!. or liquor!.!. liquor calms the gums Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to talk to a Doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stay away from the OXY!Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to your doctor and ask for him to prescribe u wth something, u could try telynol 3


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