Is there a way to help deal with my blood pressure causing me to feel blank?!

Question: Is there a way to help deal with my blood pressure causing me to feel blank!?
I'm 16 and a good weight for my hight, alittle on the heavy side but not overweight!. I have borderline high blood pressure for whatever reason ( my body is screwed up ) and I have a problem!.!.

I get impatient and don't like really talking to people because it kind of sucks my emotion out of me, and I can't feel happiness or love!.!. even when talking to my GF most of the time!.!.=(

Any suggestions!? I try taking aspirin but it only helps to an extent to help my head!.!. I'm getting abit more exercise as well!.

Anything that can help!.!.!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Something you should most likely ask a doctor about!. But it sounds to me that you are under stress and that can be a reason why you are feeling this unhappiness, your body cant produce the serotonin it needs to make you feel good!. I would recommend more exercise and better diet!. All things your doc can provide more info about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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