Discectomy operation?!

Question: Discectomy operation!?
Going to have a discectomy in January so when should I be able to go back to work!.!.!.!.!? Doc said two months as I do physical job!. The disc that herinated is not the disc giving me problems, before my fall it was L5/S1 which looks like its going to pop, so is L3/L4!. On crutches and a friend pass on my MRI scan to someone in the "know" and said I should't be able to walk!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.druged up to the eye balls, but I manage, can't wait till my next steroid injection!.! Really worried about the whole back issue!.!.!.!.!.!.!.should I go on D!.L!.A!.!? Mind over matter I say!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I hope I get my legs back though!.!.!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The only one that can tell you when you are ready to go back to work is going to be you and the doctor!. He because of being in your back and seeing the damage!. You because there is no one that knows how you should feel!. The one thing that bothers me is if this is a workman's compensation case that the case manager will start to force the doctor to get you back to work before you are really ready!. You describe the job as being physical and that to me means you are really going to have to retrain you back!. There is no way to know how the procedure is going to turn out so at this stage there is no way to know how long you are going to be out!. You are going to need a physical therapist that is familiar with dealing with insurance companies and be aggressive with your rehabilitation!. Remember that it is not just your back that has to be rehabilitated but the entire body!. That will take time and to me two months seems short! Remember there is an unwritten rule that states recovery time is about equal to the time from the injury to the surgery!. In this case with the procedure being in January that is another four months away where your body is deconditioning!. I hope that you are in a physical therapy program now for if not the muscles will continue to atrophy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had a discectomy and was deemed healed in about 12 weeks afterwards!. Mine was L3/L4 and wasn't 100% successful as it went into my sciatic nerve!. It took a while for me to get used to the mild pain, but it was much better than before the operation when I could barely stand!.

Over 4 years later I play tennis and go to the gym regularly, but I still have some residual soreness!. I'm also 56 so I'm no longer a spring chicken!. I'm certainly much better off from the surgery than if I didn't have it!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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