How do you comfort a cracked rib?!

Question: How do you comfort a cracked rib!?
Ive takin Aleve liquid gels and i am iceing it!. is there anything elsi can do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Nice way of putting the question!
You are doing the right things, in addition you could go to a reputable pharmacy and get a rib support (similar to tensor bandage, especially for this kind of injury)!. If you are having an inordinate amount of pain, you should go to the doctor if you haven't already (you will be sent for diagnostic imaging--x-ray or CT) to check for soft tissue damage!.
Best wishes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can try wrapping an ace wrap around your torso where the rib is cracked, putting pressure on the cracked rib!. This is what doctor's do for broken ribs!. It has to be tight enough to apply pressure, but not tight enough to constrict breathing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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