What are some peoples experiences with the medication Lyrica?!

Question: What are some peoples experiences with the medication Lyrica!?
My Dr prescribed this medication for some nerve damage in my scalp!. Does it really help with the pain!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was on Lyrica for Fibromyalgia!. I did notice some relief from pain, however I had to go off it due to swelling of face, hands, and feet!.
I wasn't on a large dose either, 75mg!.

I hope it helps you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes it does help, Its really expensive so I hope you have health insurance, its like 500!.00 dollars for a thirty day supply at 2 a day in PA ,and we had to fight and fight with the insurance company to get them to pay!. The insurance said that Neurotin HAD to be tried first and if that didn't work then go to lyrica, well neurotin was tried before and well lets just say my kids called it "your rotten" because it made me mean and moody and just not myself!.

Lyrica was developed for people with fybromyalgia but can be prescribed for other ailments !. It made me a little sleepy and a tiny bit high but that's about it, it did take a lot of the pain away though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I didn't find any relief from my nerve damage pain when I took Lyrica (pregabalin)!. I was taking 300mg per day!. I had side effects that I could not live with and took myself off of them (with my doctor's approval)!.
The side effects I experienced were weight gain (6 lbs in 10 days), peripheral edema (water in the hands & feet), trouble with concentrating and memory issues (I usually have/had a good memory)!.
These seem to be normal ADR's (Adverse Drug Reactions) to pregabalin!. I am a nurse and could not or did not want to deal with these side effects, especially the memory and concentration issues!.
I hope you find something that helps you and you can get some relief from your nerve damage!. I know what it's like to live with nerve pain daily!. Good luck to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

NO! I was prescribed this med!. for spinal column damage and it didn't do anything for me!. i gave it to my pill poping ex-husband and he says that it made him sleep all the time!. (he takes a bunch of med!.s for pain so he would know)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try going to this site for more information on Lyrica:


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