Best thing for mildly infected cigarette burn?!

Question: Best thing for mildly infected cigarette burn!?
It happened 4 days ago!. It didn't hurt so bad, but when I woke up it had a blister over it which I popped!.
I frequently wiped it with alcohol, but today I noticed a red ring of healthy skin (the burn in the center) and it's a little warm to the touch!.
I've not been bandaging it, to let it air out and I started putting Tobradex on it!.
I've been unusually fatigued!. Maybe because of the infection!?
Anyhow!.!.!. should I do anything else for the burn!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

For future reference, do not pop blisters!. As you've discovered, broken blisters tend to get infected!.
While it's true that wounds do need to air, they also need to be protected from dirt, germs, etc!. So what you should do is wash the burn with warm water and soap, apply an antibacterial ointment, and bandage it!. During the day, keep it bandaged!. At night, unbandage it, wash it again, and leave it uncovered overnight!.
If you see no improvement within 2 days, or if the infection gets worse, go to the doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Use Neosporin and cover it with a band-aid, do this 3-4x daily!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

STOP SMOKINGWww@Answer-Health@Com

Aloe plant and QUIT SMOKING !!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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