Knee problems after running?!

Question: Knee problems after running!?
hi, one day about 1 month ago I was running and i pushed throw pain I couldnt take in my knee and I still feel it today!. I went to doctor and they said nothing is wrong and xray say same thing!. What is it I can do to help this problem!?

english is my 3rd language so please dont make fun, yahoo doesnt offer answers in mine native language!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have that problem after i did the running machine in the gym!. I think just running will make your joint pressure!. Just relax for a month and see if it can help!. I stopped running for a month before, that fixed the problem!.

And, by the way, english is my 2nd language either!. I think your english is a lot better than mine!. So don't worry, i should be worry about it first!.

Hope this will helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

A few questions: How much do you run!? How often do you run!? Prior to the first day it started hurting, how often did you run!?

You have a couple of possibilities:

1-Patellar tendonitis (infalmmation of the tendon that attaches on the kneecap) Do you have alot of pain when pushing into the tissues just below the kneecap!? If so, this is the most likely culprit!.

2-There is also the prospect of a stress fracture, which is common in runners!. These rarely show up on a standard x-ray!. There really is no cure other than rest for this!.

Either way, I would recommend asking your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist!. Most PTs are more knowledgable about the musculoskeletal system than you average family doctor, and could help identify the cause and also help alleviate your pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Could be what's called Runner's Knee!. I experience it as well!. The only problem, is if the doctor is telling you nothing is wrong and the x-ray is as well, then it can be hard to tell exactly what you have!.

From personal experience, it sounds like Runner's Knee!. Take roughly 2 weeks off from hard physical activity!. Then gradually start again but don't go straight to what you where before!. For example, if you were running 20 miles a week, start off by running 5 miles a week, then 10, then 15 or 20!. After every run ice the knee for about 30 minutes!. Then before bed put a heat pad, or a hot clothe on the knee for 15-20 minutes!.

Also, make sure you are stretching properly before and after exercise!. Knee problems can be oriented with many things!. Weak thighs can also be helping induce this pain!. Try different things to see if the knee get's better!. If not, I would see an Orthopedist doctor to have him do an MRI and evaluate it better!.

Hope this helps!.

Here's a website with some information regarding runners knee

http://orthopedics!.about!.com/cs/patellad!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey I have your problem, when I do things with my knee like running, joint exercises my knee feels like it's cracking and it hurts!.
It's because you use your knee a lot and try to exercise your knee and relax it!. Your English is fine!. Don't worry about it much, just don't over stress your knee!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

could be ligament or tendon!.!.!.xray will not show this!. You may need an MRI!.

My daughter tore a ligament in her knee!.!.!.!.VERY painful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You may have some joint issue!. Try a second opinion from some one else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

YA maybe you should do some exercises to make your knee strong!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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