I am tired all the time but I don't know why?!

Question: I am tired all the time but I don't know why!?
I get enough sleep!. My diet is very well!. I exercise three times a week!. What is going on I am tired throughout the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it may be because you have a sleeping problem!.I suffer from the same same problem but I have obstructive sleep apnea!.How do you feel when you wake up!?
I feel exhausted because I only get stage 1 sleep and my body is not refreshed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You might be lacking some important vitamins!. That's what happened to me!. You should be taking a multi vitamin!. Make sure your multi vitamin has a good B complex mixed into it!. If it doesn't, you need to add that to your diet!. Coq10 is also a great vitamin for energy levels!.

Also even though you said you sleep enough, remember an average adult needs somewhere between 6-8 hours of sleep a night!. Any more and you'll be tired, too little and you'll also be tired!. You can also try taking a small power nap during the day too!. A power nap is 15-20 mins long no more!.

And make sure you are incorporating energizing foods into your diet!. You should be eating a balanced healthy diet!. No twinkies or ding dongs!. They don't give you energy!. Good healthy foods with the proper mix of carbs, protein and good fats!. Fish is a great energy providing food and also if you get tired at work you can snack on nuts!. Nuts are great energy foods and they have good fatty acids in them as well, much better than munching on a donut!. Also drink plenty of water!

Now if you've done all of this and still need more energy, try taking energy supplements!. Like maybe drink a little bit of coffee or try out a healthy energy drink!. Not the ones that you find in the stores, or at least most of them!. Those will just make you crash later on in the day because they are too high in caffeine and sugar!. I use one that is low in sugar and caffeine and relies on vitamins and antioxidants to give boosts in energy!. Its nice because I don't crash later on in the day and of course it is way healthier for me!. The one I used I found in a free trial, although I don't know how long it lasts!. I'll link the site at the bottom, it also has some more info on increasing your energy levels if there was something I didn't cover for you!.

Hope I've helped you a bit!. All of these things have worked great for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm no doctor, but hope you get a check up!. It could me a lot of different things - anemia, thyroid problem (usually hypothyroid), fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, mononucleosis, or who knows!?

Make an appointment, let your doctor run some tests and find out!. You'll feel better when you can get the proper treatment!.

If the doctor doesn't take your concerns seriously, go to another doctor!. Being tired all the time isn't normal!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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