Internalized bleeding in hand?!

Question: Internalized bleeding in hand!?
was going through alot of stress yesterday and I noticed a pain in my hand around the wrist and it got all red, the pain went away but it is still red, should I worry about this, I'd rather not go to a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

1st off, it would be helpful to know what you were doing!. 2nd, define red!? A bruise is internal bleeding of sorts!. I wouldnt think that if you had serious damage that the pain would just up and go away!. If you still have full range of motion with just a little soreness, I wouldnt worry about it!. However, if body parts dont work right, then I would go see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try icing the area and resting it!. A serious symptom you should look for is the area becoming red, warm and swollen which could be a blood clot!.!.!.but doesn't usually happen in the wrist area!. Have you ever had problems with Carpel Tunnel, this could be a very bad flare up!. Best advice would be the ice and rest and see what happens!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

internal bleeding is life threting i suggest u go to the doctor or hospital before its to late

it doesn't sound that bad but u never know if it could be serious!.
P!.S!. im not a doctor
hope its nothing severe :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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