Knee hurts!!! A lot!?!

Question: Knee hurts!!! A lot!!?
Yesterday my knee started hurting a lot, and I mean a LOT! I was at jump roping camp for 3 hours!. It isn't bruised at all!. And it doesn't feel like a bruise at all!. Even when I am sitting down it throbs!. I iced for about 20 minutes but it still hurts! What is wrong with me!?!? Should I stop jump roping and use crutches and take it easy!? Or keep jump roping all week for 3 or 4 hours!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm going to guess that while you may jump rope frequently, you don't usually do so for 3 hours a day!. It sounds like you over-stressed your knee; whether it's just a sore muscle, or something more serious like a sprain, cannot be determined over the internet!. For tonight, RICE it!. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation!. So stay off your feet as much as possible, wrap your knee in an ace bandage, ice it, and prop it up!. If possible, keep it elevated above heart level (so lie down or recline)!. Also take some advil or tylenol!.
In the morning, evaluate it!. It it's still sore and throbbing, do not aggravate it by jump roping for another 3 hours!. If it feels better when you wake up, do some stretching and then try jump roping for a few minutes!. If that makes it start hurting again, do not go to the camp!. And if it's still hurting, you should phone your doctor!. As I said, determining if it's something serious cannot be done over the internet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There's two natural product that I would recommend, if interested, read the description of each product:

COMFREY CREAM: The practice of sports and physical activity may generate injuries due to brisk movements, overexertion and straining of muscles and tendons resulting from insufficient training and lack of warm-up!. This refreshing creamy-gel with comfrey and arnica tones and relaxes sore muscles and joints while providing a comforting and anti-inflammatory action!. Ideal after sports and physical activity!.


JUNIPER CREAM:It is known to be refreshing and invigorating with anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, calming, antiseptic, astringent and diuretic properties that make this oil highly effective!.They have been known to: Stimulate circulation!. Be effective for relaxing muscles!. Prevent and relieve joint pain!. Relieve rheumatic aches and pains caused by bad posture!. Relieve sciatic and lumbar symptoms!. Act as an excellent solution for cold hands and feet!. Penetrate quickly leaving no greasy feeling!.


you may have tore or stretched something i would take it easy for a few days and take some advil or an anti inflamatory!.!.!. hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

It is most likely from not stretching!. That can cause serious injury!. Though I don't stretch myself =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to the doctors and find out!. sounds like a minor sprainWww@Answer-Health@Com

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