Embarrasing health question..any advice?!

Question: Embarrasing health question!.!.any advice!?
In the last few months, I have developed a problem when I eat!. 30 minutes after I eat, I literally have to run to the bathroom!. It can be embarrassing because I have to run!. Then it is like pure water and it hurts for a few moments!. Is it diarrhea!? But as soon as I go, then I am fine for the rest of the day!. One time I actually didn't make it and it was so horrible, luckily no one was around and I grabbed the mat from the car floor and put it on the seat of the car to drive home!. What is this!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi Charlie,
I feel for you Sweetie!.!. You may have a stomach infection!.!.See your doctor to find out whats going on with your tummy My Friend!.
Your Friend,

That is horrible! I can't imagine what your going through! Poor thing! Well, it possibly could be diarrhea!. What type of foods are you eating!? are they spicy and hot!? Are they full of sugar of anything real bad!? If that's the case then it probably is diarrhea!. If not you should really consult a doctor!. They will know more about your situation!. If not, may I recommend that you should experiment with the foods you eat!. Try not having anything that is fast food,spicy,Mexican,or anything that has really strong flavors or seasoning!. if no runs come out that is how you will know if it's the food!. If not please, please go to the doctor!. It will make all the difference!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This could be caused by a number of things but the only way you'll find out for sure is to see a doctor!. When you call please explain the problem so that you can get an early appointment!. In the meantime, eat a number of small meals instead of three meals a day!. Speak with someone at a pharmacy and get some over the counter medicine to help stop the diarrhea!. Best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you have to consult a doctor, it can't be cured through words!.
by the way, are you living in india, or on trip there, because you have a indian background (like me) !. indian weather is very risky this time, and diarrhea is something u can get there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It might be IBS (irratable bowel syndrome)!. You need to make an appointment with your Doctor t get check out!. Until then I would try only eating bland foods!. Stuff like crackers, salad, bread, etc!.!.!.Nothing with a bunch of spices on it!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

it maybe diarrhea but you have to consult your doctor first to be safe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honestly I have no idea!. You really do need to consult a doctor!. That isn't good at all!. Especially if it is quite often!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would suggest!.!.!.

CALL IN THE F!.B!.I!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

call your doctor, and take an anti diarrhea medicine!. and drink alot cuz u dont want to get dehirated!.

good luckkWww@Answer-Health@Com

oh no! Im sorry to hear it!. the best thing you need to do is immediatley contact a doctor and take it from there!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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