Tonsillectomy Question?!

Question: I'm 17 and I had my tonsils removed on Tuesday, March 18th. It's the 22nd and I'm still in pain, but I think I've been doing well, considering even after my first few days I've been eating Mashed Potatoes and Pasta. I'm on Percocets and Codeine. Approximately, considering my age, will I have to wait until the pain goes away? On average..

Answers: I'm 17 and I had my tonsils removed on Tuesday, March 18th. It's the 22nd and I'm still in pain, but I think I've been doing well, considering even after my first few days I've been eating Mashed Potatoes and Pasta. I'm on Percocets and Codeine. Approximately, considering my age, will I have to wait until the pain goes away? On average..

You should be starting to eat more substantial food in the next day or two. In 17 years I've seen many good recommendations for post-tonsillectomy pain decreasing but the best one that I've heard from a colleague was "the sooner you get back to a normal diet, the sooner the pain will fade away". Seems to work better than the soft diet for a week. You should be feeling much better in 2-3 days. Happy Easter

I had mine out when I was 19. That was the worst pain that I can remember. (I have had numerous major surgeries since then.) The older you are, the harder it is. I remember it being 2-3 weeks of pain. You are only 4 days out. I truly feel sorry for you! Eventually it will get better, it just takes more time.

I have known of others that had pain for a few weeks after when they had them out in their teens. Little kids fair much better.

Before the pain goes away, you should actually get used to it. That is, the pain should go from sharp/burning to dull and achy. People usually can handle dull and achy. Use the percocet at night to help you sleep and codeine or tylenol during the day. It's okay to eat sweets like pudding, jello or ice cream (the cold will also help). Give it 7 to 10 days, on average, I believe.

When I had mine taken out it took about 8 days for the pain to go away. Heck, they told me to take tylenol. Wish I would have had your doctor. You may want to try to take some ibuprofen though to help with the inflamation. It is safe to take with both percocets and codeine.

Your on the mend don't worry, give us a song/

Ten days to weeks on average.

I had my tonsils out at 28. It was horrible, the older you get the more painful it is. I could only have tylenol w/codeine--liquid form. For about two weeks I was only able to have liquids before going to mushy food. I'd say you'd have another week before you're feeling "much" better, but in a few days you'll start to show improvement. Even though its your throat area, your WHOLE body needs to rest, so rest rest rest!

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