Feet really hurt?!

Question: I am stood up and walking round most of the day, which make my feet really ake and hurt, my shoes fit properly and everything, then when I get home i have to sit down for about a hour for the pain to go off, what Can i do to stop the pain?

Answers: I am stood up and walking round most of the day, which make my feet really ake and hurt, my shoes fit properly and everything, then when I get home i have to sit down for about a hour for the pain to go off, what Can i do to stop the pain?

See a foot doctor. I did and he made special molds which he put in my shoes. They did a pretty good job. Take a couple of Bayer aspirin to help with the pain. Even though you feel that your current shoes are fine, try out a pair of walking shoes. They have really helped with my foot pain. Also, have a pair of tongs or sandals around for when you are walking around the house. Don't just flit around in bare feet. There are also exercises that you can do to make your feet feel better.

Good luck.
Look here: http://adam.about.com/reports/000061_3.h...

and here:


put ur feet in cold water


Have you been doing this for a while, you probably will have to get used to standing for a long period of time.

soak ur feet in a warm tub.
and put bengay on them.

yessss ur feet hurt hurrrrrrrrrray

Just rest when you get home. You may have arched feet or something. Try buying some of the Doctor Sholls gell-pads for shoes, and try and get a little more roomy shoe, so your feet aren't cramped in there.

I feel your pain...it doesn't happen to me often but when it does, it is so painful that I can barely walk! I wore heels yesterday for 11 hours and had to take my shoes off as soon as I was done with work. And they still ache today..
You can put some ice-paks on them to relieve the pain and swelling. That is what I do and it helps a lot. Also...take some Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

Go to a foot doctor!

Make an appointment with a Podiatrist.

elevate your feet too when you get home
helps me n i have chronic pain -mostly in my feet.

shoot em with a trank dart

I had the same problem. I finally went to the podiatrist and he fitted me with orthodics. He said my arch was dropping. The orthodics go under the insert in your shoe. It was instant releif but took a couple of weeks to get used to. It was money well spent.
And by the way, I wear good shoes too, always have. I pay a lot for my shoes. The support in even the best shoes sometimes isn't enough.

that happened to me before all you have to do is rest your leg or go to wallgreens and ask the people about it and they will tell you what kind of cream to use!my dad has the same thing and he went to wallgreens and bought a speaical cream and then this legs were healed!

I've heard this product works wonders. Hope it helps. You could also find it in a variaty of other places. Good luck.

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