How do you stop getting sweaty hands during an interview?!

Question: Please help!!!!
My hubby is going for an important interview and is worried about having sweaty hands due to be nervous! Does anyone know any good ways to stop sweaty palms so that he can shake hands confidently? (it's not normally a problem so nothing drastic like surgery!)

Answers: Please help!!!!
My hubby is going for an important interview and is worried about having sweaty hands due to be nervous! Does anyone know any good ways to stop sweaty palms so that he can shake hands confidently? (it's not normally a problem so nothing drastic like surgery!)

an anti-perspirant... seriosuly why not? it'll work!

keep hankies in ur pockets!

First you get sweaty hands probably because your too excited, clammy, nervous anxious etc. To Prevent this from happening try to stay really calm, relaxed and don't panic. Be Confident and you'll be good.

hope i helped =)

I know what you mean, in the past I have held a tissue in my hand prior to the hand the shake to absorb the sweat or place your hands face down on your thighs whilst waiting for your interview.

I sympathise, i almost got the sack for having sweaty hands when younger, I used to turn all my foremans machine tools rusty after i had used them, I was banned from using them, but as the above answerer says try a deoderant just before the interview it will work, good luck to hubby

Talcum powder absorbs moisture give it ago

first of all don't worry because it is normal. i am sure almost everyone gets sweaty hands one time or another during the/an interview. It happens to me sometimes. One way to get rid of them is to maybe carry a tissue or tissues in both pants pockets and when/if hes nervous and the hands are sweaty, then before he shakes hands casually put them in his pocket and like dry them off with the tissue(s) by just rubbing the hands on them(MAYBE DO IT WHILE HES STILL SITTING BEFORE GETTING UP SO NO ONE ELSE--PERSON HIRING/INTERVIEWING OR SOMEONE ELSE IN THE ROOM DOESN'T SEE). That could work, I did that at least once that I can remember. And I know how he feels cause at the moment I'm looking for work myself and do sometimes get nervous. by the way im an older male if that matters. GOOD LUCK TO UR HUSBAND ON HIS INTERVIEW AND HOPE IVE BEEN OF HELP.

wear on glove, and when you shake hands you have to take it off, take that as a chance to wipe off sweat on hands.
hey hey, smart

you cant really.
just calm down! :)

Keep your hands open.

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