Can my boob pop?!

Question: i have saline implants, ive had them for a few months. well i was laying in bed this morning and my 100 pound dog jumped right on my boob with all of his weight. it really hurt. how can i tell if it is punctured?

Answers: i have saline implants, ive had them for a few months. well i was laying in bed this morning and my 100 pound dog jumped right on my boob with all of his weight. it really hurt. how can i tell if it is punctured?

First, it takes a great deal of force to rupture implants. Fortunately, you chose saline, so if you do experience leakage, there is not as great a risk to your body as if you had chosen silicone. I would recommend you contact your physician to ask what to look for (symptom wise) when it comes to rupture. The desk nurse should be able to answer a simple question.

It won't pop. Visit a doctor.


I wish I was your puppy

it can pop. u should go to a doctor...

I would definitely seek some medical advice. You want to make sure those saline implants are intact.

no it won't pop, i was watching mythbusters and they had the same question.

they had a major league baseball pitcher throw a 100 mph fast ball right at an implant and it was fine.

if it leak then it is punctured but go see a doctor instead

Is the size, and shape changing? If so you need see a doctor, now! If not your most likely alright.

Yes anything is possible go see your doctor so if it did it wont drain into area that can cause you major problems

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