How should i treat a bruise/bump on my toddler...?!

Question: there's no warning signs of bleeding, he's ok, no extreme pain or dizziness, etc. But other than ice packs and keeping it elevated, what else can i do to help the healing process to be more effective? Is there any ointment i can get from a drugstore?

Answers: there's no warning signs of bleeding, he's ok, no extreme pain or dizziness, etc. But other than ice packs and keeping it elevated, what else can i do to help the healing process to be more effective? Is there any ointment i can get from a drugstore?

mineral ice works to get rid of bruises, it's safe to use for children 2 and older

Nope, nothing from the store,If its just a bruise with a raised bump, just watch it to make sure she doesn't have any problems. Like it becoming hot or more sore. Mine always had a unicorn horn bump, he was forever walking into walls...and he survived. His legs were covered in bruises. They heal, he continued to run around and be just as reckless. Today, at 25 he is still the same !

There is not much you can do

Children bruise so easy and all the time, and that is because they do not have much fat in the tissues between the skin and they veins.

what you are doing is good, I bet in a little while he Will be up and running, which means the next bruise is just around the corner.

If it seems to bug him try soaking him in a warm bath, sometimes different people respond better to heat rather than ice. The ice restricts the blood vessels, but in a toddler his vein is pry already healed and the only thing now is the battle scars...

Dont worry he will be okay.

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