Does his ankle look bad?!

Question: My bf twisted his ankle skateboarding, he says it hurts and he can't walk. Does it look sprained?

heres a pic:

Answers: My bf twisted his ankle skateboarding, he says it hurts and he can't walk. Does it look sprained?

heres a pic:

its even swollen on the top of his foot, which isnt usually a good sign.
obviously if it hurts him & he cant walk you definitely want to go to the doctor if it doesnt get better within a few days.
if he cant walk on it, have him use crutches.
what i usually do when i get hurt is i skip school for a day and ice it.
it usually helps alot, even to rest for just taht one day.
ice, rest, elevate & wrap it in something. (but not too tight)
goodluck :]]

he could have torn something

it looks like it hurts like hell but it doesn't LOOk it

seeing the colour you might want to see a doctor for looks like it can be a small break or a crack

It looks brused

it looks like its hurting but not too much
but it does seem like its broken or something

but if it hurts alot take him to the doctor

good luck = ]


get it checked out

There's a little sign of bruising on the side. What you need to do is run to the store and get Epsom Salt. Mix the salt with hot water and it will release the swelling. After doing that ice periodically 10 minutes on 20 minutes off. If the pain continues go to the doctor. Good luck!

yes it looks sprained but he could still have cracked a bone. it it doesnt get better in about 2 weeks then go to the doctor.

it looks bad enough to go to the e.r. ,if anything is fractered it needs immediate attention.
no one can tell not seeing his whole foot or comparing his other foot.
how he's holding it ,could hide something.
Ist good clue ,if he can't walk,from skateboarding to your house.he needs to see a doctor.

Yeah it looks sprained. Mine looked a lot worse than that when i wrecked an atv. It took a month till i could walk on it without pain. Stay off of it for as long as possible I would recommend a week if possible, if he has to walk on it wear shoes with ankle support like work boots.

Hard to say for sure, but he has twisted it pretty good. Keep it elevated and ice it. Ice will help with the swelling.

The problem is sometimes it is very difficult to tell just by looking at it and it is best to have doctor look at it. But if that is not possible or you want to wait it out a bit, this it is very important to ice it for the night, then try to stay off of it for a few days. You can then wrap it with an ace bandaged for support. If in 2 days or so he still can't walk on it at all, then you have to see a doctor. Otherwise, it will probably begin to heal.

By the way, swelling will occur no matter what you do, but it is very important to lessen it so that it will heal quicker. Ice, and keep it elevated.

Wrap it and ice it for now. Oh, and elevate.
Take him to the ER.
Or if its not too bad wait till morning at get him to a doctor.
Deff have it checked out though!!!

looks just like he rolled it pretty good just ice a lot when relaxing to get the swelling down and try to stay off it... cause its gonna be weak for a long time and can be rolled again real easy if has to walk on it then def wrap it or put it in an air cast.. maybe use crutches if that painful...

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