Bee sting help?!

Question: Any suggestions.. i got stung on my arm

Answers: Any suggestions.. i got stung on my arm

Oldest trick in the book= Put tobacco on it and the stinger will come out. Then just clean it and let it breathe

Apply ice massage. Use an ice cube and massage on the bee sting. That would help reduce the swelling and irritation.

First thins first.Remove the stinger.
To disinfect the area,wash throughfully with a gentle soap and water.
To reduce ichyness or irritation,apply polysporin.
To reduse swelling,apply ice pack.
Good Luck!
I'm allergic to bees! :S

Remove the stinger but don't use tweezers. Studies have shown using tweezers can actually squeeze more venom into your skin. Use a flat object such as a credit card. After that, apply a dry sterile dressing and a bandage. Take Aspirin if it hurts and let it heal, changing the dressing at least every day.

Hope you feel better!

With your fingernail, carefully get the stinger out.

Then you can put a paste of baking soda, salt, and water on it. Or a paste of meat tenderizer to draw the venom.

Good luck!

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